Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Week of January 26: Reminders

• Verbs of the week: trier (to sort) and déchiqueter (to shred)
• Spelling word pattern: most nouns that end in "al" become "aux" in plural form
un animal, des animaux

• Presentation of speeches takes place on February 19th
• Passion projects are due on February 10th
• Students are working on club reflections
• In Math, students have just completed a unit on Order of Operations
• Students have completed a worksheet distinguishing between different stages in the rock cycle.
• Some students still owe outstanding homework for French writing (design "un jacket de livre" for one of the books you've read)
• We are swimming at the Walnut Grove pool on February 7th (thank you, volunteer drivers!)
• We are walking to Brookswood secondary to watch Matilda on Feburary 10th

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Reminders: Week of January 21

• Spelling word pattern: Most French nouns ending in "al" take on "aux" in plural form. un animal -> des animaux
• Passion projects due on February 10th
• Permission forms for Matilda @ Brookswood on February 10th
• Permission forms for swimming pool on February 7th
• Book jackets are due (as of Friday)
• 19th February speech presentations. Students may read off of cue cards. Grade 5 speeches are in English. Grade 6 are in French. More details to follow.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Reminders: Week of January 13

• Spelling quiz on Friday - géo + logue word pattern
• Verb quiz -- offrir, couvrir, souffrir, offrir
• Passion Project 2.0 due February 10
• Design a book "jacket" - rough copy due Wednesday. Good copy due Friday.
• Wear warm clothes to school :)

Club Reflection  
Congratulations for conceptualizing and carrying out a “Club” event.
So far, you’ve distributed roles in your groups. You’ve written a club proposal to our principal.

You generated a powerpoint explaining your club’s goals. And, you’ve communicated with your teacher to establish a date, time, and location for your first club event. 
Now it’s time to reflect.
Answer on a separate sheet of lined paper.
What did you do during your first club event? (Minimum 30 words).

Who in your group showed the leadership skills? Explain your answer. (Minimum 20 words).What worked well during your first club event? (minimum 20 words) 

What positive behaviours did your club members show? Where they respectful? Cooperative? Helpful? Organized? Explain your answer (minimum 15 words).

What would make your club even better? (minimum 15 words)

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Reminders: week of Jan 6

• Please return green walking field trip/parent driver forms
• Students have a one-page assignment/reading on "les géologues"
• spelling test Friday, Jan 17: word patterns: géo + logue . [géo = la Terre; logue = connaissance de]
• 2040 Time Capsule project due Friday, Jan 10
• Students keep track of how much plastic, glass, organic, and paper waste they go through this week for Sciences Humaines.
• Factors page (Math) - due Thursday

Walking Field Trip Reminder
Bonjour, les parents,

This Friday (January 10th) we will be going for a walk to Brookswood park (4078 200 St, Langley City, BC V3A 7S8) at around 1:15pm.  

September 26 Reminders

1. Orange Shirt Day assembly on Thursday (practice reading your poem) 2. Where I Come From Poem good copy due on Wednesday 3. Spelling test ...